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Faculty Postings | Offres d'Emplois

  • 01 Mar 2024 9:37 AM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Digital Transformation (tenure-track)

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, September 2nd

    The Faculty of Computer Science and The Faculty of Management of Dalhousie University invite applications for a tenure-stream Lecturer or Assistant Professor position with research expertise related to Digital Transformation or Digital Innovation.

    The Faculty of Computer Science and Faculty of Management have a long history of research and teaching collaboration including collaborative grants and shared teaching programs such as the Master of Digital Innovation and Bachelor of Applied Computer Science. In 2023 Dalhousie University created the new College of Digital Transformation to oversee these interdisciplinary collaborations. The goal of the College is to position Dalhousie University as a leader in interdisciplinary research and teaching at the intersection of technology and business. The College will do this by championing leading research in organizational transformation and the operationalization of emerging technologies, as well as supporting new pedagogical methods, work-integrated learning opportunities, and courses to equip students with the theory and skills to lead digital transformation projects.

    We are seeking candidates whose research and teaching are focused in areas that advance the College’s goals. Candidates will be jointly appointed, with between 40% and 60% of their expected workload to contribute to each faculty and will hold a primary appointment in one of the two faculties. Candidates must show evidence of an active research program and scholarly expertise that applies to digital transformation. The candidate’s teaching expertise should include one or more of the following: Business Analytics, Digital Transformation, Business Process Automation, Management Information Systems, and community-partnered capstone courses.

    Qualifications: The successful candidate must complement and strengthen the existing teaching and research needs at the intersections of the faculties. Candidates are expected to hold a PhD in Computer Science, Business, Management, or a related area within six months of the expected start date of September 2nd, 2024. Candidates must demonstrate outstanding research and teaching excellence by providing evidence of the following:

    • High-quality publications in top-tier journals, conferences, or other demonstrated impacts such as published books, industry experience, high research impacts in policy, industry partnerships, research and development, or community partnerships
    • A strong independent research plan, which includes clear links between their research and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    • How their work contributes to the advancement of equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and decolonization (EDIA-D).
    • Experience working with interdisciplinary teams and the ability to collaborate with other researchers.
    • Commitment to delivering innovative teaching in subjects that span the faculties.

    The successful candidate will teach both undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise and mentor students, and support the collaborative initiatives between the faculties. The candidate is expected to establish an externally funded research program and foster new collaborations with government, industry, and with other members of Dalhousie’s research community.

    The Faculty of Computer Science is a research-focused faculty with over 70 faculty members, including Tier 1 and Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs. Around one quarter of our 2500 students are enrolled in master’s or doctoral programs. The faculty also partners with other Faculties and departments (including management, medicine, agriculture, law and statistics) to offer various multi-disciplinary study streams and, under the Master of Digital Innovation, is an active participant in the Interdisciplinary PhD program.

    Dalhousie’s Faculty of Computer Science offers a supportive, inclusive, multicultural, research-oriented environment with a firm commitment to justice, equality, diversity, and inclusion. The faculty offers reasonable teaching loads (with excellent TA support), and competitive pay and benefits (including health insurance, dental insurance, and an exceptional pension plan). The faculty supports new hires with moving assistance and start-up funding. Early-career researchers will enjoy the collaborative lab environment; mentoring; peer support for teaching, research, and grant writing; and extensive ties to local industry.

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and supporting innovative research leaders. A leader in experiential and work-integrated learning, we’re focused on being responsive to the world around us. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields like health, psychology, humanities, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives.

    With more than 2500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management) and graduate programs (direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration; and the Master of Science in Business. All of our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is one of Canada’s U15 group of research-intensive universities. The funding situation is excellent: active researchers have many opportunities for both investigator-led operating grants and support for industry collaboration.

    Dalhousie is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ( Halifax is the largest city in Atlantic Canada and is vibrant, multicultural, and welcomes many newcomers. It is also a regional tech hub and affords residents with a high quality of life. We enjoy a wide variety of restaurants, parks, playgrounds, watersports in the summer, snow sports in the winter, a vast number of arts and cultural events, an excellent library system, and a convenient public transit system. Nova Scotia is home to many beautiful communities, campgrounds, trails, lakes, rivers, beaches, lighthouses and opportunities for running, hiking, cycling, ATVing, boating and generally exploring the great outdoors. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers, long, colourful autumns and cool, snowy winters.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

    If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

    For full consideration, applicants should prepare and submit the following information within our online application system:

    • Cover Letter
    • Recent CV
    • Research Statement (one (1) page, reflective of your substantive research focus and the methodological approaches that you use to address your research) and include up to five sample publications.
    • Teaching Dossier which contains evidence of teaching excellence such as teaching evaluations
    • Commitment to diversity and equity statement (upload as “EDIA Statement”) (one (1) page, reflective of your perspectives on broadening participation, integrating multicultural experiences in pedagogical techniques/instruction and research to meet the needs of diverse constituents).
    • List of references: Names and contact information of three (3) persons. Reference letters are not required at this stage.

    Applications are due by March 30, 2024. Applications are to be submitted online at:

    Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Colin Conrad, Chair of the Search Committee at:

  • 28 Feb 2024 5:53 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    (La version française suit)

    Position: Assistant Professor in Management and Marketing (10-month, several positions)

    Organization: Bishop's University

    Unit: Williams School of Business

    Location: Sherbrooke, Québec

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Williams School of Business at Bishop’s University, located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Abenaki people in Sherbrooke, Quebec, invites applications for full-time, ten-month sessional positions at a rank commensurate with qualifications and experience, starting July 1, 2024. We are particularly interested in candidates with demonstrated research/industry expertise and teaching excellence. Positions are open in the areas of Management and Marketing. All courses will be taught in English.

    Candidates should have at minimum a completed Master’s degree in a relevant field and a demonstrated commitment to teaching at the undergraduate level in Business.

    Bishop’s University is a primarily undergraduate institution with a strong emphasis on dynamic and effective teaching, experiential learning, and research and knowledge mobilization. Located in the beautiful Eastern Townships just southeast of Montreal, our riverside campus has a growing and vibrant research culture, cohesive community, small class sizes, collegial faculty and staff, and is rated first in the country on student satisfaction. One of our strategic priorities is to enhance the strength, vibrancy, diversity and inclusivity of the Bishop’s community.

    The Williams School of Business is committed to its increasing success at providing faculty with a vibrant and supportive environment in which to excel at teaching, research and professional activity. Collegiality and professional flexibility are important characteristics of the Business School and would be expected in the successful candidate.

    Bishop’s University implements an equal access employment program under the Act respecting equal access to employment in public bodies and welcomes applicants who are committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and who will assist us expand our capacity for diversity and inclusion. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including Indigenous peoples, visible and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, women and LGBTQ2+. Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    Review of applications will begin on March 11th, 2024. Please note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

    Application packages, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research achievements, teaching dossier, (including teaching philosophy and evaluations when available), and two letters of reference, must be sent by email as one PDF file to If specific accommodations are required in order to participate in the recruitment process, they should also be included as part of the application packages.

    Poste : Professeur adjoint en gestion et marketing (10 mois, plusieurs postes)

    Institution : Université Bishop's

    Unité : École de gestion Williams

    Lieu : Sherbrooke, Québec

    Date de début : 1er juillet 2024

    L’École de gestion Williams à l’Université Bishop’s, située sur le territoire traditionnel et non cédé du peuple abénaquis, à Sherbrooke, Québec, invite les candidatures afin de combler des postes temporaires de 10 mois, au rang approprié selon le niveau de qualifications et d’expérience des candidat.e.s, à compter du 1er juillet 2021. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par les candidat.e.s ayant une expertise de recherche et d’enseignements dans l’un des sujets suivants: Gestion et Marketing. Tous les cours seront enseignés en anglais.

    Les candidat.e.s doivent posséder au minimum une maîtrise dans la discipline d’expertise exprimée et démontrer un fort potentiel pour l’enseignement universitaire au premier cycle en administration.

    L’Université Bishop’s est une institution principalement de premier cycle qui met l’accent sur un enseignement dynamique et efficace, l’apprentissage par l’expérience, la recherche et la mobilisation des connaissances. Situé dans les magnifiques Cantons de l’Est, juste au sud-est de Montréal, notre campus riverain possède une culture de recherche dynamique et en pleine croissance, une communauté cohésive, des classes de petite taille, un corps professoral et un personnel collégial, et classé premier au pays en ce qui concerne la satisfaction des étudiants. L'une de nos priorités stratégiques est de renforcer le dynamisme, la diversité et l'inclusivité au sein de la communauté universitaire de Bishop’s.

    L’École de gestion Williams s’engage à fournir à son corps professoral un environnement dynamique et favorable à l’enseignement, la recherche et aux activités professionnelles. La collégialité et la flexibilité professionnelle sont des caractéristiques importantes de l’École, lesquelles sont également recherchées chez les candidat.e.s pour ce poste.

    L’Université Bishop’s applique un programme d’accès à l’égalité en vertu de la Loi sur l’accès à l’égalité en emploi dans des organismes publics et encourage les candidat.e.s qui s’engagent à respecter les valeurs d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion et qui nous aideront à accroître notre capacité en matière de diversité et d’inclusion. Nous encourageons les candidatures de membres de groupes historiquement défavorisés et marginalisés, notamment les peuples autochtones, les minorités visibles et ethniques, les personnes handicapées, les femmes et les personnes LGBTQ2+. Veuillez noter que tous les candidat.e.s qualifié.e.s sont encouragé.e.s à postuler; toutefois, les candidatures des Canadiens et des résident.e.s permanent.e.s seront traitées en priorité.

    La révision des dossiers de candidature débutera le 11 mars 2024. Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées.

    Les dossiers de candidature, comprenant une lettre de présentation, un curriculum vitae, un énoncé des réalisations en matière de recherche, un dossier d’enseignement, incluant les rapports d’évaluation (si disponibles), ainsi que deux lettres de référence, doivent être transmis par courriel dans un seul fichier en format PDF à Si des aménagements spécifiques sont nécessaires afin que les candidat.e.s puissent participer au processus de sélection, ceux-ci devraient être spécifiés dans les dossiers de candidature.

  • 27 Feb 2024 1:54 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Lecturer, Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    As a signatory of the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion, Dalhousie has committed to taking decisive action to recruit Black scholars to the university and to employ best practices to support their retention and advancement. This commitment is expressed in our Strategic Plan’s second pillar, Inclusive Excellence. In keeping with these commitments and our institutional drive and obligation to enrich our research, teaching, and learning environment and community engagement, Dalhousie invites applications for the below position.

    This opportunity is part of a cluster hiring initiative supported by the Dalhousie Diversity Faculty Award (DDFA) program. In keeping with the principles of employment equity, the DDFA program aims to correct historic underrepresentation. This initiative is supporting inclusive excellence by appointing 5 Black scholars to the university across multiple disciplines. Cluster hires promote interdisciplinary collaboration, while creating communities of support for scholars from underrepresented groups. These new scholars will find opportunities for scholarly contributions, collaboration, and support as Fellows of the newly established Black Studies Research Institute and will contribute to our emerging transdisciplinary program in Black and African Diaspora Studies (BAFD).

    Further information about this initiative may be found here

    About the Opportunity:

    The Faculty of Management at Dalhousie invites applications for a probationary tenure-track, tenure-track or tenured appointment at the rank of Lecturer, Assistant, Associate in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The successful candidate will teach both undergraduate and graduate entrepreneurship courses, supervise and mentor students, and support the Faculty’s initiatives. We are especially interested in applications from scholars whose work will advance teaching, research and entrepreneurship-based extra-curricular activities aligned with the Faculty’s inclusive innovation mandate, which aims to service graduate and undergraduate students university-wide. Applicants will also have the opportunity to participate in Dalhousie’s Black Studies Research Institute and to develop and teach Management courses that are included in Dalhousie’s new major in Black and African Diaspora Studies.

    The applicant must have a Masters degree in a relevant discipline and be committed to completing a PhD in a relevant discipline, or already have a PhD in a relevant discipline. Applicants who do not yet have a PhD may be offered a deferred start date in order to complete their PhD before taking up the position. This deferral also includes the possibility of a limited-term appointment, potentially at a lower FTE during PhD completion. For applicants’ with a Masters degree but without a doctoral degree, the details of their appointment are open to negotiation and to the best approach for both the successful candidate and the Faculty of Management.

    Applicants must be able to demonstrate a history of substantive engagement with African Nova Scotian, Black, African, and/or African Diaspora communities in entrepreneurship and innovative initiatives. Applicants should also have an outstanding academic record, a record of scholarly engagement and a commitment to teaching excellence (or demonstrated teaching excellence for applicants already holding and academic appointment).

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and supporting innovative research leaders. A leader in experiential and work-integrated learning, we’re focused on being responsive to the world around us. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields like health, psychology, humanities, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives.

    With more than 2500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management) and graduate programs (direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration; and the Master of Science in Business). All of our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is among Canada’s U15 group of leading research-oriented universities. We are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a city known for its great quality of life. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers; long, colorful autumns; and cool, snowy winters.

    Information about the Faculty of Management may be found here:

    Dalhousie University is located in Nova Scotia, Canada (Mi’kma’ki) with four campuses in Halifax and Truro, and satellite locations in Yarmouth and Saint John, New Brunswick. As Atlantic Canada’s primary research-intensive university and a member of the U15 Group of Canadian Universities, our 13 academic Faculties expand understanding through teaching excellence and a drive for discovery that results in more than $214 million in research funding each year.

    Each year, Dalhousie welcomes almost 21,000 students from more than 115 countries around the world. A diverse population of Black students call Dalhousie home, including those from African Nova Scotian, Black/African Canadian, and international communities. The United Nations recognized African Canadians as a distinct group and Dalhousie acknowledges African Nova Scotians as distinct people who have shaped the province and the university for centuries. In 2018, Dalhousie launched the African Nova Scotian Strategy, which was then further updated in 2021 through the work of the strategy’s working group, which includes Dalhousie’s Director of African Nova Scotian Community Engagement. The Strategy is aimed at ensuring sustainable initiatives that support African Nova Scotian students, staff, and faculty members.

    Dalhousie has a strong history of introducing ground-breaking initiatives that have created many opportunities for Black students including the Indigenous Blacks & Mi’kmaq Initiative at the Schulich School of Law and Promoting Leadership in Health for African Nova Scotians program. The university has also developed strong ties to several organizations serving that community, for example to the African Canadian Services Branch of the Department of Education – the only such branch in Canada serving Black students in K-12, to the Delmore Buddy Daye Learning Institute and to the Afrocentric Math cohort at Auburn High school.

    In 1970, Dalhousie established the Transition year Program (TYP), which provides opportunities for individuals who may face barriers to post-secondary education to prepare for all aspects of academic life and gain access to the university. Nearly two decades ago, Imhotep’s Legacy Academy was established, an innovative university-community partnership designed to create pathways into STEM for students of African descent.

    Dalhousie established the James R. Johnston (JRJ) Chair in Black Canadian Studies in 1991 which was at the time, the only endowed Black Studies Chair at a Canadian university. The current Chair, Dr. OmiSoore Dryden, recently established the Black Studies Research Institute (BSRI), a pan-university institute centering transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Black studies. The BSRI will intersect closely with the university’s minor in Black and African Diaspora Studies, developed by former JRJ Chair Dr. Afua Cooper, and the university is now working on a proposal for a full degree program, the development of which is being championed by members of Dalhousie’s Black Faculty and Staff Caucus and supported by senior leaders across the university.

    Dalhousie was also the first in Canada to join the Universities Studying Slavery group of institutions, out of which the Lord Dalhousie Report was published. Recommendations led to the Sankofa scholarships, renaming of streets to reflect the Black contribution to Canada and a concerted plan in our international strategy to form even more meaningful educational partnerships with the Caribbean.

    As a signatory of the Scarborough Charter, and in keeping with these long-standing institutional commitments to recruiting and supporting Black faculty, staff, and students across the university, Dalhousie is now in an excellent position to support this cluster hiring initiative and candidates will enter a Faculty and university that has demonstrated outstanding and unique support for Black faculty and students.

    More information about Dalhousie may be found here:

    This position is designated to candidates who self-identify as persons of Black/African descent, especially African Nova Scotians. All such qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie recognizes that candidates may self-identify in more than one equity-deserving group, and in this spirit, we encourage applications from candidates who (in addition to being of Black/African descent) also identify as Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), members of other racialized groups, women, persons with a disability, and/or members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. For more information, please visit

    See for definitions of equity-deserving groups.

    A complete application includes:

    • Cover letter
    • Recent Curriculum Vitae
    • Evidence of substantive engagement with Black African Nova Scotian, African, and/or African Diaspora communities and the effectiveness thereof.
    • Research Statement (one (1) page, reflective of your substantive research focus and the methodological approaches that you use to address your research)
    • Teaching Statement (one (1) page, reflective of your teaching philosophy and teaching interests)
    • If applicable, evidence of teaching effectiveness and experience such as teaching evaluations, letters from colleagues or students, and/or research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning (If no such documents are available, please re-upload the teaching statement here.)
    • Commitment to diversity and equity statement (upload as “EDIA Statement”) (one (1) page, reflective of your approach to supporting inclusive innovation)
    • List of references: Names and contact information of three (3) persons. Reference letters are not required at this stage.

    If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

    Review of applications will begin on March 30th, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled.

    Applications are to be submitted online at:

  • 27 Feb 2024 1:45 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Open rank in Supply Chain Management (tenure-track)

    Organization: Thompson Rivers University

    Unit: Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

    Location: Kamloops, British Columbia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    About the Position

    The Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) invites applications for a probationary Open Rank tenure-track appointment in Supply Chain Management, starting July 2024. In this research-oriented position, candidates will maintain an active research agenda while teaching five sections of 40 or fewer students each per academic year. Preference will be given to candidates with the ability to teach in a variety of Supply Chain courses.

    The successful candidate will be awarded the NRI Distributing Research Fellowship in Supply Chain Management with a research annual award of $20,000 research, renewable for up to five years. In this research-oriented position, candidates will maintain an activere search agenda while teaching five sections of 40 or fewer students each per academic year. Preference will be given to candidates with the ability to teach in a variety of Supply Chain courses.

    About the Department of Management, International Business, Information and SupplyChain (MISC)

    Our department is a collection of individuals interested in what keeps the modern world functioning. While we are defined as academics in supply chain, international business, strategic management and management information systems we believe that we have a responsibility as global citizens to try to make the world a better place now and in the future. Our interests are broad but may be encompassed by two primary themes: global citizenship and data-driven decision making. We invite individuals interested in research topics related to these themes to apply for this position. Examples of such topics include, but are not limited to, humanitarian logistics, sustainable supply chains, supply chain analytics, bottom-of-the-pyramid focused research with a global focus, indigenous supply chain issues, supply chain transparency, and international business as an enabler of improved human welfare.

    About the School of Business and Economics

    With over 4000 on-campus students the School of Business and Economics is the largest business school in the interior of British Columbia, offering undergraduate, post baccalaureate and graduate programs in business and economics including Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Environmental Economics and Management, Master of Science in Environmental Economics and Management. SoBE is also Thompson Rivers University’s largest faculty. What makes SoBE special is that even with its size it maintains a collaborative environment, with support provided to assist professors with both research and teaching.

    About Thompson Rivers University

    With over 25,000 on-campus and online students and more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs in eight diverse faculties, TRU celebrates academic excellence and excels at providing exceptional experiential learning opportunities. TRU delivers graduate and undergraduate programs in Business, Law, Nursing, Education, Computer Science and Arts and Science. Our students and faculty reflect the local, national and global community. TRU provides a rich and engaging student-centred environment where students and faculty know each other by name. TRU strives to create inclusive and rewarding student experiences, both on and off campus.

    What TRU Offers

    TRU off ers competitive salary, benefits and a defined benefit pension plan, personal development funds and sabbaticals outlined by the TRUFA collective agreement. The Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics and TRU provide researchers the opportunity to apply to a variety of research funding sources available. TRU’s classes and off ices are located on a spectacular campus with panoramic views of the Thompson Rivers and surrounding mountains. Nestled between hiking trails of Kenna Cartwright Park and within walking distance of downtown, TRU off ers a country in the city feeling that is unlike any other university.

    Welcome to the BC Interior

    Thompson Rivers University is located in Kamloops, British Columbia. Life in the sunny interior of British Columbia provides immediate access to some of the most incredible outdoor experiences Canada has to off er ranging from winter sports at Sun Peaks Resort, to some of Canada’s best mountain biking and hiking trails, walking distance from TRU. Located between the coastal and Rocky Mountains, Kamloops is within 30 minutes from hundreds of beautiful freshwater lakes, and only 3 hours from Vancouver. With a relatively mild winter and spectacularly warm and dry summers, Kamloops off ers a high quality of life. A city with less than 100,000 residents, it is served by an airport, a hospital, a university, a WHL hockey team and yet still maintains a small-town feel where one never commutes longer than 10 minutes. It is a safe community to raise a family and maintains reasonable housing prices.


    TRU is committed to building and fostering an inclusive environment. TRU continuously strives to increase the diversity of its faculty and welcomes applications from all; including those who identify as Indigenous, from visible minorities, those having disabilities and from persons of any sexual and gender identities. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. As per Canadian immigration requirements, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The university will assist any candidate who requires assistance to accommodate disabilities during the recruitment process. If required, please notify us of your request with your application.


    We seek applicants with a strong commitment to excellence in scholarly research and teaching in the field of Supply Chain Management. A Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management or a related area is required, but applicants who are ABD and close to completion of their PhD are welcome to apply and will be considered. The position entails conducting and publishing rigorous academic research and developing and sustaining high-quality teaching and learning environments for students. Accordingly, applicants must demonstrate success in publishing or the potential to publish in peer-reviewed Supply Chain Management and related business journals, as well as commitment to developing and maintaining strong teaching skills. It is also expected that the candidate will make a strong ongoing service contribution to the department, school, university and/or the broader community.

    Application Process

    Assessment of applications will begin in December 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit the following:

    • Cover letter
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Statement of research interest(s)
    • Examples of scholarly research including conference papers, working papers and/or publications
    • Teaching dossier including a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and teaching evaluations.
    • Names and contact information for three academic referees.

    Please apply via the Thompson Rivers University Careers website at

    Inquiries should be directed to the attention of:

    Dr. Nancy Southin, Chair

    Department of Management, Information and Supply Chain

    School of Business and Economics

    Thompson Rivers University

    Kamloops, BC, V2C 0C8


  • 27 Feb 2024 1:45 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Instructor in Information Science (limited term)

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Faculty of Management and the Department of Information Science (DIS) invite applications for a limited term appointment of up to three years in the Faculty of Management at the rank of instructor, commencing July 1, 2024.

    The successful candidate will play a key role in refining and growing the options to study information science as an undergraduate student at Dalhousie. Information is critical to society, and we believe students in all programs should have access through courses, certificates, minors, and majors to information-centric topics including knowledge justice, misinformation and disinformation, information and social justice, GIS, accessible design, community-led services, security, privacy, bias in information systems, digital humanities, and more.

    Successful candidates will contribute through course development, teaching, and project management. In course development, the successful candidate will be expected to contribute 1-2 new undergraduate courses in their area of expertise. In teaching, the successful candidate will take responsibility for teaching courses (face-to-face or virtually) in the Faculty of Management, that would otherwise be taught by other full-time Information Science faculty members, to ensure the Department has capacity to contribute to this project. In the project management role, the successful candidate will help advance this project by acting on behalf of the project champions (the Dean and the Department Chair) to:

    • work with faculty members to imagine new courses that faculty member might create
    • liaise with program directors to identify intersections with other academic programs (including minors and majors and cross-listing to Masters courses)
    • shepherd course syllabi through approval processes
    • and work with staff to promote the new courses.

    Required qualifications, experience and skills:

    • Master’s degree in information, library studies, or related degree.
    • Demonstrated research, teaching, or professional experience in the field of Information Science with a focus on at least one (preferably more) key area(s) of knowledge justice, misinformation and disinformation, geospatial information systems, accessible design, community-led services, security, private, bias in information systems, or digital humanities. Knowledge can be demonstrated via a record of publication, teaching experience, professional experience, and/or relevant community experience. Additional subjects will be considered if they are in the domain of information science, not obviously and consistently extant in other fields at Dalhousie, and likely to be of broad interest and relevance to undergraduate students.
    • Established record of teaching excellence, preferably at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
    • Demonstrated experience with online teaching and/or pedagogical methods such as experiential learning, student-centered learning, transformative pedagogies, digital pedagogy, and online dialogue.
    • Demonstrated ability with curriculum development and design, or project management.
    • Ability to work collaboratively and as part of a team.

    Preferred qualifications, experience, and skills:

    • A PhD degree in information, library studies, or a related field completed, or in progress.
    • Professional library, archives, cultural heritage, information management or data management experience will be an asset.

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and hosting innovative research leaders, and of preparing students to make a lasting impact on the world. As leaders in experiential and innovative learning, we are focused on being responsive to the world around us and building strong relationships that facilitate social and economic good. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields such as health, psychology, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture.

    With more than 2,500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce & Bachelor of Management) and graduate programs (direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science in Business). All our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is among Canada’s U15 group of leading research-oriented universities. We are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a city known for its great quality of life. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers; long, colourful autumns; and cool, snowy winters.

    Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

    Dalhousie recognizes that career paths can be diverse and that career interruptions may occur. Applicants are encouraged to include, in their cover letter, an explanation of the impact that any career interruptions may have had on their CV. Dalhousie also recognizes the need to accommodate candidates to ensure their full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed online at:

    The position is covered by the collective agreement between the Board of Governors of Dalhousie University and the Dalhousie Faculty Association (DFA), which can be viewed online at:

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

    Inquiries may be directed to the Dr. Louise Spiteri (Louise.Spiteri@Dal.Ca) Chair of the Search committee. Applicants should submit a CV, cover letter, teaching dossier including sample syllabi of courses developed and evidence of curriculum or pedagogical development, and sample teaching evaluations. Review of applications will begin on March 30th, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled.

    Applications must be submitted electronically through the Dal Faculty Career Site:

    If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

  • 15 Feb 2024 6:40 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Instructor in Marketing (1-year)

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University invites applications for 1-year limited-term appointment at the rank of Instructor, commencing July 2024. Applicants should hold a master’s degree in marketing or hold a terminal degree (ABD will be considered) in marketing or a related field. Teaching or industry experience in Brand Management or Marketing Strategy is preferred.

    The successful applicant will be expected to teach in-person marketing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and to contribute to the academic life of the Department , Faculty, and University through committee service and other activities.

    Faculty members at the rank of instructor have a standard teaching load of six courses per year. We seek candidates who have teaching experience and show evidence of high-quality classroom performance and the ability to mentor students and prepare them for successful careers in the marketing field. The Department of Marketing is responsible for teaching timely and relevant marketing knowledge in MSc, MBA, and undergraduate programs. The successful candidate will be assigned to teach brand management and marketing strategy, in addition to other marketing courses.

    The Department of Marketing is home to eight full-time faculty members who work collegially to accomplish our goals. Our faculty distinguish themselves as authors who deploy a range of research methods that result in high-quality publications in different marketing outlets. Our faculty’s dedication to teaching is widely appreciated, further enhancing our department’s reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Members of the department serve on committees as required, and contribute tot he department, the Faculty of Management, the university, and the profession.

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and supporting innovative research leaders. A leader in experiential and work-integrated learning, we’re focused on being responsive to the world around us. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields like health, psychology, humanities, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives.

    With more than 2500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management) and graduate programs (direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration; and the Master of Science in Business. All of our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is among Canada’s U15 group of leading research-oriented universities. We are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a city known for its great quality of life. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers; long, colorful autumns; and cool, snowy winters.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

    For full consideration, applicants should prepare and submit the following information within our online application system:

    • Cover Letter
    • Recent CV
    • Teaching Dossier including a one-page teaching statement reflective of your teaching philosophy and interests, and any evidence of teaching effectiveness and experience such as teaching evaluations, letters from colleagues or students, and/or research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    • Commitment to diversity and equity statement (upload as “EDIA Statement”) (one (1) page, reflective of your perspectives/experiences on broadening participation, integrating multicultural experiences in pedagogical techniques/instruction and research to meet the needs of diverse constituents).
    • List of references: Names and contact information of three (3) persons. Reference letters are not required at this stage.

    Applications must be submitted electronically through the Dal Faculty Career Site:

    If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

    Review of applications will begin March 10, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. Preference will be given to qualified candidates who apply before March 10, 2024. Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Hamed Aghakhani, Chair of the Search Committee at: aghakhani@Dal.Ca

  • 15 Feb 2024 6:36 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Lecturer or Assistant Professor of Marketing (tenure-track)

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Department of Marketing at the Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University invites applications for a full-time probationary tenure-track or tenure-track appointment in Marketing at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, commencing July 2024 (negotiable). Applicants must have a PhD (or be ABD near completion) in Marketing or a related field. A strong portfolio of research and teaching effectiveness appropriate to the rank are required.

    The successful applicant will be expected to engage in leading-edge research both individually and collaboratively with colleagues and students; to be able to teach marketing core and elective courses in our undergraduate, executive and research-based graduate programs, and to contribute to the academic life of the Department, Faculty, and University through committee service and other activities.

    Faculty members’ standard teaching loads are four courses per year. As part of our commitment to successful faculty development, a one-semester, 1-course teaching load reduction is available to new faculty hires in their first year. We seek candidates who have teaching experience and show evidence of high-quality classroom performance and the ability to mentor students and prepare them for successful careers in the marketing field. The Department of Marketing is responsible for teaching timely and relevant marketing knowledge in MSc, MBA, and Undergraduate programs. While candidates with any marketing specialization may apply, those who have the potential to teach several marketing topics or to teach marketing strategy, marketing analytics, digital marketing, or use of artificial intelligence in marketing are especially encouraged to apply.

    The Department of Marketing is home to eight full-time faculty members who work collegially to accomplish our goals. Our faculty distinguish themselves as authors who deploy a range of research methods that result in high-quality publications in different marketing outlets. The successful candidate will have access to the on-site behavioural lab, will be provided with start-up funding to conduct research and will be given priority for selected internal research funding opportunities. The Department of Marketing members are normally expected to advise graduate students, serve on committees as required, and be contributing members of the department, the Faculty of Management, the university, and the profession.

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and supporting innovative research leaders. A leader in experiential and work-integrated learning, we’re focused on being responsive to the world around us. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields like health, psychology, humanities, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives.

    With more than 2500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management) and graduate programs (direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration; and the Master of Science in Business. All of our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is among Canada’s U15 group of leading research-oriented universities. We are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a city known for its great quality of life. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers; long, colorful autumns; and cool, snowy winters.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

    For full consideration, applicants should prepare and submit the following information within our online application system:

    • Cover Letter
    • Recent CV
    • Research Statement (one (1) page, reflective of your substantive research focus and the methodological approaches that you use to address your research).
    • Teaching Statement (one (1) page, reflective of your teaching philosophy and teaching interests).
    • Evidence of teaching effectiveness such as teaching evaluations (if applicable).
    • Commitment to diversity and equity statement (upload as “EDIA Statement”) (one (1) page, reflective of your perspectives on broadening participation, integrating multicultural experiences in pedagogical techniques/instruction and research to meet the needs of diverse constituents).
    • List of references: Names and contact information of three (3) persons. Reference letters are not required at this stage.

    Applications must be submitted electronically through the Dal Faculty Career Site:

    If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

    Review of applications will begin March 15, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. Preference will be given to qualified candidates who apply before March 15, 2024. Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Valerie Trifts, Chair of the Search Committee at: Valerie.Trifts@Dal.Ca

  • 08 Feb 2024 11:47 AM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Instructor or Senior Instructor in Business Communication

    Organization: Dalhousie University

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Faculty of Management and the Department of Leadership and Organizations invite applications for a probationary/continuing appointment at the rank of Instructor or Senior instructor, commencing July 1, 2024. The successful candidate is expected to bring expertise in business communication and rhetorical strategy. Their responsibilities will include teaching and overseeing delivery of professional communication courses; curriculum design in the area of professional communication; and departmental, program, administrative, faculty, and/or university service.

    Required qualifications, experience and skills

    • A PhD, DBA, or equivalent terminal degree in a related field, including, but not limited to, Business, English, Classics;
    • Practical experience applying business communication strategies;
    • Proven expertise in the various forms of oral and written communication;
    • Evidence of efforts to foster safe spaces for equity-deserving groups, including work to decolonize the classroom and curriculum;
    • Experience with curriculum design and pedagogical innovation;
    • Established record of teaching excellence in relevant courses;

    Desired qualifications

    • Experience teaching undergraduate course of various sizes (small discussion-based courses to large lecture formats) media (online and in-person);
    • Experience teaching courses in oral and written communication, persuasion, visual rhetoric, crisis communication, rhetorical strategy, case studies, and career development;
    • Record of pedagogical research and contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning;
    • Record of service contributions to relevant departmental or university units.

    This position requires teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in required courses on communication in a business setting. This position also includes developing academic programming that can strengthen our Faculty’s efforts to provide students with education that helps them acquire the communication skills necessary to build inclusive organizations.

    This is a teaching-focused position; the teaching load is defined by the Faculty's workload policy. This career-stream instructor (probationary/continuing) position is one in which the successful candidate will undergo performance evaluation and review consistent with the Dalhousie Faculty Association collective agreement (, with the possibility to advance through ranks of Instructor/Senior instructor/University Teaching Fellow, in a continuing appointment.

    The Faculty of Management has a long history of providing a world-class education and hosting innovative research leaders, preparing students to make a lasting impact on the world. A leader in experiential and innovative learning, we’re focused on being responsive to the world around us and building strong relationships which facilitate social and economic good. We are an inclusive community driven by curiosity, integrity, and discovery. We welcome and celebrate diverse perspectives. Our research is relevant not just in our core areas, but also stretches across the University to fields like health, psychology, engineering, law, computer science, oceans, and agriculture.

    With more than 2500 students (over one-quarter graduate students) and 80 faculty members, we offer undergraduate programs (Bachelor of Commerce & Bachelor of Management) with a broad variety of majors and certificates.. Graduate programs include direct-entry and mid-career versions of the Master of Information, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration; and the Master of Science in Business. All of our degree programs are externally accredited. We actively participate in Dalhousie’s Interdisciplinary PhD program and the multi-Faculty Master of Digital Innovation.

    Dalhousie University is among Canada’s U15 group of leading research-oriented universities. We are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada a city known for its great quality of life. Located in one of Canada’s more temperate areas, Nova Scotia gets warm, sunny summers; long, colorful autumns; and cool, snowy winters. Dalhousie University's climate and sustainability expertise includes internationally-recognized ocean research programs that include multiple Faculties and departments; a department of Earth and Environmental Science; an Environmental Engineering program; a Marine Affairs program; and a School for Resource and Environmental Studies.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

    Required materials

    • Cover letter
    • Recent CV
    • Teaching Statement (one [1] page, reflective of your teaching philosophy and teaching interests).
    • Evidence of teaching effectiveness and experience such as teaching evaluations, letters from colleagues or students, and/or research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    • Commitment to diversity and equity statement (upload as “EDIA Statement”) (one [1] page, reflective of your perspectives/experiences on broadening participation, integrating multicultural experiences in pedagogical techniques/instruction and research to meet the needs of diverse students)
    • List of references: Names and contact information of three (3) persons. Reference letters are not required at this stage.
    • If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.
    • Review of applications will begin March 1, 2024, and continue until the position is filled. Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Simon Berge, Chair of the Search Committee at:

    To apply for this position please visit:

  • 05 Feb 2024 6:06 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Associate Dean (2 positions)

    Organization: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

    Unit: Melville School of Business

    Competition Number: 3056


    KPU is a regionally focused, teaching-led, open access institution. Situated in Metro Vancouver, KPU is a multi-sector university offering a wide array of undergraduate degree programs, trades and technology programs, and one and two-year certificate and diploma programs to over 20,000 students on five campuses in Surrey, Richmond and Langley.

    On September 8, 2021, the School of Business was proud to accept a generous gift from George and Sylvia Melville and to rename our school to the Melville School of Business. The gift will support students with scholarships, bursaries and fund technological advancements in teaching and learning which will enhance the learning experience of our students. We are grateful to the Melvilles for their recognition of the quality business education we deliver.

    The Melville School of Business is a dynamic, innovative and industry connected business school. KPU's Melville School of Business (MSB) is one of the largest business schools in Western Canada – consisting of 310 dedicated business faculty and over 9000 business students with approximately 2,000 students taking courses in other program areas across the university. We currently offer 23 programs with plans to expand in several discipline areas over the next two years, including graduate level credentials. Awarded international accreditation by the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), Melville Business meets the rigorous educational standards established by ACBSP and stands out as an internationally accredited business schools in B.C. In addition, the MSB is a proud signatory of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative and committed to completing our second Sharing Information on Progress report to be submitted later in 2024. More recently, the MSB has launched the Melville Business Strategy Internship program. The internship program provides an opportunity for soon to graduate business students to attain work experience in their discipline of study. The program also benefits employers by reducing the cost of hiring students and deepens the connection between the business community and post-secondary education.

    To learn more about the Melville School of Business, please click here.

    Our vision in the Strategic & Academic Plan 2023 – 2026 is to embolden business and technology learners to become inclusive community builders and conscious change makers.


    We are seeking TWO vacancies of Associate Dean to join the team in helping shape the MSB and KPU during a period of continued dynamic growth and change.

    Reporting to the Dean, the Associate Dean is an integral member of the Melville School of Business leadership team and will work closely with the Dean, Associate Deans and the Divisional Business Manager to provide strategic and day-to-day administrative and educational leadership to a group of diverse departments and disciplines.


    • Demonstrated ability to provide leadership and direction, analyze situations, and develop effective solutions.
    • Demonstrates excellent communication, collaboration, and team building skills.
    • Outstanding interpersonal communication skills and a record of effective working relationships.
    • Demonstrated ability to build leadership capacity in the Faculty by hiring, mentoring, and coaching faculty.
    • Demonstrated experience working with multiple departments in a collaborative environment as an asset.
    • Demonstrated understanding and leadership in support of equity, diversity and inclusion in the post-secondary environment as an asset.
    • Relevant community-based and/or professional experience rooted in indigenous communities, knowledges, and traditions as an asset.
    • Ability to respond well to working under pressure and resolve complex issues in an effective manner.
    • Knowledge of academic programs, and a commitment to academic excellence; ability to advance the quality and content of programs, courses, initiatives and the student learning experience; budgeting; strategic planning.
    • Strong organizational skills applicable to operational and logistical tasks.
    • Experience developing and implementing new programs as an asset.
    • Knowledge of faculty management processes and a demonstrated ability to set a tone of support and respect.
    • Intercampus travel is required, possession of a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle is preferred.


    • Master’s degree required in a related field preferred.
    • Proven success in a leadership role with progressive responsibility.
    • A minimum of 5 years teaching experience, preferably in a post-secondary environment.
    • Experience working in a unionized academic environment preferred.
    • Experience working in a teaching-intensive post-secondary institution is an asset.


    KPU is a multi-campus institution. Travel between campuses will be required. Partial remote working is also available.


    Click here to view the full position description


    • Recognized as one of B.C.'s Top Employers
    • KPU is committed to actively fostering an equitable and inclusive working environment
    • Competitive compensation
    • Hybrid environment, flexible work around core hours
    • Defined Benefit Pension Plan – through BC’s College Pension Plan
    • Extended Medical, Dental, Healthcare Spending Account, Sick Leave, Long Term Disability, Life Insurance, Optional Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Emergency Travel Assistance, Employee and Family Assistance Program, Teledoc
    • Professional Development Days: up to 10 days paid per year
    • Maternity and parental leave top-up
    • Generous vacation package
    • Campus athletic and fitness centers with a variety of instructor-led classes
    • Tuition waiver program – eligible to waive tuition costs of courses at KPU equivalent to 3 credits per semester
    • Inhouse training and development
    • Networking and social events such as KPU Day, Holiday Social etc.
    • Intercampus shuttle
    • Access to automotive, horticulture, brewery and other programs’ services
    • Clubs: Jeopardy, Toastmasters, E-sports, Ted Talks etc.
    • Library and Bookstore (discounts)


    The compensation range is the span between the minimum and maximum base salary (as listed above) for a position. Approximately halfway between the minimum and the maximum represents an employee that possesses full job knowledge, qualifications and experience for the position. In the normal course, employees will be hired, transferred or promoted between the minimum and approximately halfway of the salary range for a job. Annual salary increases are available through participation in the Administrative Performance Management program.

    Does this role sound like it was made for you, yet you don’t check every box?

    We at KPU understand that experiences and qualifications may look different for everyone and, if this job description is of interest to you, we encourage you to apply.


    Applications must be submitted online via the KPU Career Centre. Please ensure to provide a resume and a cover letter as part of your application.

    A resume review will be conducted on February 23rd, 2024 however this position will remain open until filled.

    For inquiries or recommendations, please contact:

    Christina Heltzel

    Talent Acquisition Specialist



    Kwantlen Polytechnic University welcomes and encourages applications from equity deserving groups and diverse experiences including, but not limited to, Indigenous people, racialized people, people with disabilities, and members of the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community.

    If there are any barriers that you are experiencing or an accommodation that we can provide to support you through the application process, please reach out to us at

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    We thank all applicants for their interest in employment with KPU. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

    Kwantlen Polytechnic University is committed to protecting the safety and welfare of employees, students, and the general public, and upholding the reputation and integrity of the University. For this reason, final applicants will be asked to undergo a background check.

  • 05 Feb 2024 5:51 PM | Pierre-Jean Darres (Administrator)

    Position: Assistant Professor in Marketing (tenure-track)

    Organization: University of New Brunswick Fredericton

    Unit: Faculty of Management

    Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick

    Competition Number: 23-25

    Preferred Start Date: 2024, July 1st

    The Faculty of Management (FOM), at the University of New Brunswick Fredericton campus invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of Marketing. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will commence as of July 1, 2024, or as soon thereafter as possible. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

    Applicants must have a PhD in Marketing or a related field or be in the final stages of completing the dissertation.

    The successful candidate must have a demonstrated record of excellence in university teaching and research or evidence of the potential to develop such a record. They must be able to teach introductory and upper-level courses on Marketing and Consumer Behaviour at the undergraduate and graduate level and have research interests in the Marketing area. Ideally, the successful candidate will have a teaching interest that would enable them to teach an elective course in marketing.

    As an AACSB-accredited faculty, the FOM is innovative in its programs, curriculum design and outreach activities. It has more than 700 students in the undergraduate program and approximately 200 students in its graduate programs. Further information relating to the University of New Brunswick and the Faculty can be viewed at and

    Review of applications will begin immediately with applications being accepted until the date of March 8, 2024. Applications are to include a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, evidence of research and teaching effectiveness (if appropriate), a brief statement covering research interests and teaching philosophy, and the names and contact details (including email addresses) for three academic references. Application packages are to be submitted to:

    Dr. Devashis Mitra, Dean

    Faculty of Management

    University of New Brunswick

    PO Box 4400

    Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3

    Phone: 506.452.6304


    Short-listed candidates will be required to provide satisfactory proof of credentials including appropriately certified translations of credentials into English, as applicable.

    The University of New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and fostering diversity within our community and developing an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the broader community that we serve. The University welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals who will help us achieve our goals, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

3000, Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road

Montreal H3T 2A7 (Quebec) Canada

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