Research Projects

Post-Pandemic Engagement and Reengagement on Campus

This research investigates how students, faculty, and staff perceive the value of physical presence within business schools in the post-pandemic context – a knowledge that can help business schools across Canada better address the needs and expectations of their communities, ultimately enhancing their capacity to adapt and thrive in a post-pandemic educational landscape.

Through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with students, faculty, and staff, this study will provide nuanced insights into the underlying motivations and challenges these groups face in adopting hybrid models of learning and work. The study addresses the shared challenges and opportunities in re-engaging all three groups within the unique context of business schools, providing business schools’ leaders insights for redefining the role of physical presence. Recommendations will also tackle the respective roles and tasks of students, faculty, and staff, identifying optimal combinations of remote and face-to-face activities for each of these groups.




This study prepared by Anne Mesny (HEC Montréal) is supported by the Business Schools Association of Canada and funded through its research grant competition program.

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